About Us
At Offset dog training, we strive to provide a marker based training methodology to build a relationship of trust and respect between you and your dog. Our goal is to coach you on how to consistently get reliable behaviors from your dog and enjoy the process in doing so. Browse our site to learn more about us or contact us to schedule a consultation. Dog training isn’t just about your pet. In fact, the most integral part of the training process is you. That’s why we work with you to make sure your training plan fits your lifestyle and is tailored to what you need. With practical and flexible programs, coupled with our constant collaboration, time tested and innovative systems. Were here to be your one and only source for quality dog training.
Services We Offer
12 one on one lessons $1600
The bakers package consists of 12 one one training sessions. This primary focuses on solidifying distraction training as well as an emphasis on your individual goals for your dog. Once the foundation is laid we can really cater to building the dog to fit in and enhance your lifestyle.
Group Classes $75/class
(Free with any Package)
Ages 6 Months
Group classes are a great way to practice real life distractions and get more reps. It can be distracting and to much for some dogs to start but it can help give us a baseline and make some changes to set you on a new trajectory. Group classes will be held two times /week at various locations that will be announced at the beginning of the month.